Monday, 26 August 2013

SiriSat ONG SOHUNG Mantra Meditation

ॐ Cantar el mantra ONG SOHUNG abre y sana el Chakra Corazon.
 Es un reconocimiento hermoso que cada ser forma parte de la Conciencia Creativa del Universo.
 ONG es la Conciencia Divina. SOHUNG significa " YO SOY VOS "ॐ 

 ॐ Chanting Ong Sohung opens and heals the Heart Chakra. It is a beautiful recognition that each of us is a part of the Creative Consciousness of the Universe! 
 ONG is The Divine Creative Consciousness. SOHUNG meaning: " I AM YOU" ॐ 

 Ong Sohung - Mantra Meditation by SiriSat
© Sota La Palmera Records 2013
Video Production by FeedTheFire Films
Single disponible en iTunes: